Saturday 3 October 2015


I watched the opening sequence for Les Blues De Ramville it was a sport and action genre film. This is because it is all based around an icy hockey match and the buildup towards this match. The people who are mentioned in the titles are the most important people and the most important roles. For example, Stephan Paquette's name comes up next to the hockey mast which signifies that he is one of the main hockey players and the main character. 

However, in the titles, there are no production company that is mentioned. This could be because it is show at the end credits which could be done to make the audience remember the production company better if they see the production companies name last. 

The Mise-En-Scene in the opening makes it very effective. For example, there are old video recordings on a table, hockey masks and ice skates. This is done because it reflects to what is happening in the movie, such as the hockey boots being put on represents them getting ready for the game and the build up for the big game.

The editing in the movie is what makes it so good. This is because it uses a lot of different camera angles and a slow motion shot. For example, there are many pans and zooms that are used along with low angle shots. The slow motion is used when a player gets hit into the wall. The slow motion makes this more effective because it highlights the impact of the player getting hit into the wall.

The music is linked with the editing. This is because when there are parts in slow motion the music is slowed down in tempo, but when there are more fast pace actions in the opening the music relates to this and the tempo increases.


  1. Proofread to improve grammar e.g. 'There is' where there should be 'there are'. Change your opening sentence.
